- bismuth nitrate
- • азотнокислый висмут• нитрат висмута
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
bismuth subnitrate — noun : a basic salt or usually a mixture of basic salts obtained as a white powder from normal bismuth nitrate (as by reaction with sodium bicarbonate) and used similarly to bismuth subcarbonate and also in ceramics … Useful english dictionary
bismuth oxychloride — noun : a white crystalline basic salt approximately BiOCl made usually by reaction of an acid solution of bismuth nitrate with a solution of sodium chloride and used chiefly as a pigment and a cosmetic * * * Chem. a white, crystalline, water… … Useful english dictionary
BISMUTH — Le bismuth, de symbole Bi, est l’élément chimique de numéro atomique 83. C’est le plus lourd du groupe Vb de la classification périodique. Il vient après l’azote, le phosphore, l’arsenic et l’antimoine, mais, contrairement à ceux ci, son… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bismuth — Plomb ← Bismuth → Polonium Sb … Wikipédia en Français
nitrate — [ nitrat ] n. m. • 1787; de nitre ♦ Sel de l acide nitrique. ⇒ azotate. Nitrates naturels de soude (⇒ caliche) , de potasse (⇒ nitre, salpêtre) . Nitrates utilisés comme engrais (nitrate de sodium, de potassium, de calcium; d ammonium). Nitrate… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bismuth(III) nitrate — bismuto(III) nitratas statusas T sritis chemija formulė Bi(NO₃)₃ atitikmenys: angl. bismuth(III) nitrate rus. висмут азотнокислый; висмута(III) нитрат ryšiai: sinonimas – bismuto tris(trioksonitratas) … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
BISMUTH — n. m. T. de Chimie Métal fragile, d’un blanc gris à teinte rouge et qui cristallise facilement. Le sous nitrate de bismuth est d’un grand usage en médecine … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
Lead(II) nitrate — Lead(II) nitrate … Wikipedia
white bismuth — Sub nitrate of bismuth … New dictionary of synonyms
Nuclear reprocessing — technology was developed to chemically separate and recover fissionable plutonium from irradiated nuclear fuel.[1] Reprocessing serves multiple purposes, whose relative importance has changed over time. Originally reprocessing was used solely to… … Wikipedia
Smokeless powder — is the name given to a number of propellants used in firearms and artillery which produce negligible smoke when fired, unlike the older gunpowder (black powder) which they replaced. The basis of the term smokeless is that the combustion products… … Wikipedia